Saturday, August 3, 2013

Not Just Anybody Can Say They Got Their Butt Kicked By An Emu

Just a head's up, the next several blogs will be about my memories of days long ago.  I felt like sharing because some stories are too good not to be shared! I will change the names so some folks don't get even more on my case than they already are, but every word of the stories are true.  Enjoy!

Daddy decided he wanted to raise emus.  He found a guy in Baldwyn that had some to sell.  We loaded up in the truck with a horse trailer in tow.  Daddy and my ex, "Joe," came up with a plan for loading the emus into the horse trailer.  Daddy thought the easiest thing to do was, since Joe was so tall, he should be able to grab the emu by the neck and basically walk the emus into the trailer.  They started out across the corral toward the emus.  Joe eased around and grabbed an emu around the neck and all hell broke loose.  That emu started bucking and kicking, I mean it sounded like somebody dropped a bowling ball down a flight of stairs.  Everybody started laughing hysterically- except Joe.  Joe was being pummeled by that emu.  He turned it loose immediately but that emu was hell bent on revenge.  He kicked and bit at him all the way back across that corral.  His emu friends even joined in on the brawl.  Joe was trying to duck and cover, but they were much quicker and fiercer than we could have ever imagined.  By the time Joe made it back over the fence, he looked like he had been in a bar room brawl with a bunch of Hell's Angels.  His hair was stuck up in every direction.  His shirt was stretched out of shape and torn at the seams.  His jeans were filthy and he had red blotches all over his body.  His eyes looked wild and he walked around in a daze.  As I stood there with tears rolling down my cheeks and my sides splitting open from laughing so hard, Daddy said, "Well, that didn't work.  Guess we should have thought that through a little better."  Well, then I REALLY lost it.  Joe looked at my Daddy like he could kill him and said, "Yeah, before I got my a-- kicked by an emu, you mean?"

Needless to say, we loaded back up in the truck, our empty horse trailer in tow.  Joe was bruised from head to toe for more than a week after that.  I figure to explain the bruises, he told people he had been in a bad wreck rather than he got his butt handed to him by an emu.  Daddy changed his mind about being an emu farmer, but is still mad to this day that we didn't take a video camera with us for emu wrangling.  Funniest Videos would have made us rich if we had caught that on tape.

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